Summer. Day 1.

1. The smell of summer is close
Heat trapped scent of 
Flowers and plants calling to passers by 
“Come, see my colors, spread my seed, pollenate my progeny” 
Quickly, bees, dance in their sex, 
Spread their genes, before this heat suffocates them. 

The smell of summer is humid
Bodies sweating, scent of 
Dancing and people calling to passers by 
“Come see my skin, appreciate my beauty, perpetuate humanity” 
Quickly now, before they’re covered one again for the cold. 

The smell of summer is sadness
Time speeding, scent of 
Summer memories past calling to passers by 
“Come revel in my nostalgia, you are old but you still long for this childish feeling” 

Quickly, before all our summers pass, and we are covered for good. 

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