Day 2

Close your eyes and remember 
Burn this moment into your brain
The soft touch of her lips gently grazing yours 
Your heart stops for seconds at a time 
A gush of pleasure and lust and love course over your nerve endings like an explosion of white hot heat and intensity. 
Close your eyes and remember 

Our last kiss. 

Going through a breakup isn’t fun, it doesn’t feel good, and it’s not really something I would ever choose. Going through a break up is, however, the time that really tests you and makes you ask yourself some difficult questions. You reflect and think about your own actions and attitudes. You learn. You grow. It hurts like hell but everything beautiful and amazing is built through pain and perseverance. I’ll be okay. She will too. Maybe we will be better for each other, maybe we will be better for someone else. Who knows. Plan: fight through. Reflect on your shit. Become a better version of you and kick ass. 

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